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Don’t ruin your Thanksgiving with an alcohol-related accident

Thanksgiving is fast approaching. Many families like to have few drinks during their holiday celebrations–maybe some wine at dinner, or a few beers while watching football. Enjoying alcohol with your meal is fine in moderation, but beware the consequences of driving under the influence. You may not feel tipsy, but it is all too easy to underestimate your own level of intoxication.

After a fun, loving Thanksgiving holiday, the last thing that you want is something to go wrong on the road. Driving under the influence can come with a fine, community service and jail time — or worse, life-changing injuries to you or a loved one. In order to avoid drinking and driving this holiday season, follow these five simple tips.

Pick a designated driver

Before you even begin the celebration, choose an appointed family member, friend or neighbor to be the sober driver. Make sure that the designated driver either drinks minimally during the festivities or avoids alcohol completely.

Choose an alternative

Call a taxi or rideshare service to provide transportation after the festivities die down. You can do this beforehand by writing down the number of a cab company or downloading a ridesharing app like Uber or Lyft. Another alternative is to take public transportation rather than drive. Check out a map of routes near your location for more information. There are so many options for transportation in Cincinnati that there is really no excuse to drive under the influence of alcohol.

If you are a host, protect your guests

If you are hosting the Thanksgiving celebration, then take it upon yourself to prevent your family from driving while impaired. Take careful note of how each guest is going to get home. If you notice that someone is tipsy and wants to drive, volunteer to call them a cab or find them a sober driver. Use any preventative measure necessary to keep them from getting behind the wheel, even if it means taking their keys.

If you are a guest, don’t drive home

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving at someone else’s place and need to get back, don’t attempt to drive home. Even if you don’t feel drunk or you believe that all the delicious food will balance out the alcohol, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Rather than attempt to drive your vehicle, call a car or find a sober family member to give you a lift.

Either way, buckle up

Whatever your mode of transportation, always buckle your seatbelt. Wearing a seatbelt is one of the single best ways to protect yourself from the actions of other drivers who may be under the influence of alcohol. Don’t be a turkey: Always buckle up.

Your family deserves a safe Thanksgiving, and that starts with taking personal responsibility for your actions on the road.


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